There are many different styles and ways of dancing Argentine tango. Look and watch, and decide for yourself what is appropriate for you. And use their style as an inspiration to improve your dancing and make a conscious decision about how you want to dance and develop your style.
Here are two famous tango dancers:
- Carlos Gavito’s signature style is ‘apilada’, or leaning towards each other in an ‘A’ frame structure. Some of his moves are very much ‘out of axis’.
- Junior Cervila is more conventionally upright, but he too usually keeps his partner ‘leaning forward’ slightly so that her weight is on the front of her feet and not on the heels. This makes it easier and clearer to lead most steps, especially pivots.
Look at this video of Carlos Gavito and Junior Cervila: Junior Cervila & Natalia Royo (to ‘Sinsabor’, Edgardo Donato) 2013. They are technically very polished dancers. For example, look at the precision they show with their giros in this video:
- At 1.16 min he controls her to pivot on two feet while he walks around her. At 1.28 he pivots on his R foot and planeos with his L, while leading her to giro round him.
- At 1.57 min he leads her to pivot on her L and invites her to planeo with her R, while he walks round her.
- At 2.23 min he does a cross basic salida, so that at 2.27 he is crossed L behind R, and she is crossed R behind L. He then leads her anticlockwise giro (-side R-back L-side R-fwd L) while he pivots with his feet in a cross. Note that he is mainly pivoting actually on the front of his back (L) foot. As they continue to start their second giro he sacadas with his R, and they walk out. This is all perfectly understandable, but to be able to do it neatly, precisely, and to the music requires balance, control and understanding of ones core. All those exercises, giros, dissociation, and strength of leg and thigh muscles are important.
Carlos and Maria are usually dancing more slowly, although they do sometimes spice things up with some rapid movements. They are showing us how they savour the music and each other: Carlos Gavito and Maria Plazaolla (to ‘El Ingeniero’, Carlos Di Sarli) 2003.
There is lots more. Don’t be afraid to look on the internet, and follow your nose. Take an interest in tango. Put a little of your time into it. And come to Tango E14 and tell us what you have found.