Latest News 14 May 2022
Just to remind you there is no Tango E14 this Saturday 14th May.
The hall is being used for a ‘Friends of Island History Trust’ Open Day which you are welcome to attend. We will be there again as usual on Saturday 21st May, 1 – 5 pm.,with Tony and Anita
Promotion Video
We are planning a short dance video to help promote Tango E14. So, on 21st May the class from 2 – 3pm will include the choreography for the video by Anita.
Just come and enjoy the class as always, but if you would like to participate in the video project, then please make a point of coming on 21st May. Please come 10 or 15 minutes before the class starts, so you have time to rest, change, have a cup of tea, or whatever you need to do.
Again we will practice after Los Ocampo after 5-6pm on 28 May 2022.
Our regular weekly ‘Tango E14’ programme continues most Saturdays, but check this site www.Tango E14.wordpress.com
from time to time to see our current programme, when we have visiting teachers, and to note the rare occasions weare closed due to non availability of the hall, or changes to our times.
Saturday 14th May NO TANGOE14 The hall will be used for the ‘Friends of Island History Trust OPEN DAY’.
Saturday 21st May 2022, with Tony and Anita, 1 – 3 pm class, followed by Milonga/Practica from 3 – 5pm.
Saturday 28th May we welcome back ‘Los Ocampo’, Omar and Monica, for a special programme !!
Saturday 4th June 2022, with Tony and Anita, 1 – 3 pm class, followed by Milonga/Practica from 3 – 5pm.
Saturday 11th June we continue with ‘Los Ocampo’, Omar and Monica, with a special programme !!
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A couple of thoughts.
A word : ‘Kinaesthesia’.
It refers to the sense of awareness of the position and movement of the voluntary muscles of the body. It is something we all, as Tango dancers, need to be continually improving.
From Greek – Kineo move
and – Aisthesis sensation, (perceive sensation).
The philosopher Emanuel Kant is said to have thought that Art should be simply viewed with disinterested contemplation. David Howes, an Anthropologist,
makes some interesting observations on how different people and cultures engage with art. This is not Tango. But Tony does believe it is really worthwhile opening ourselves to the idea of as total involvement in the whole experience of tango as we can. Argentine Tango is not just a collection of slick moves; it is a full package of experiences.