Welcome to our new website! New off-the-press Tango E14 website with new features such as Calendar with all upcoming events and featured Guest Teachers posts. Please bookmark this site now as to not miss any news and or latest event information. Also new is the option to sign up for our newsletter on the site!
Great new feature are articles that post more information on Guest Teachers, Tango figures, Music and History of Tango. You can find articles in the menu under Articles. In the Calendar you can find the latest event information. Please click here for more event information on our Calendar. The events coming up in March are Guest Teachers Los Ocampo on Sat 4th of March and Anibal Lautaro & Valeria Maside on Sat 25th of March.
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This week Saturday 18th February Tony teaching on the Embrace.
First of all, reminding you that we have reduced the time for the classes from 1 – 2.30pm, to allow a bit more time for just dancing from 2.30 – 5pm.
This Saturday 18th February, the programme is as follows:
1 – 1.45pm, Class on Preparation on the Connection and embrace.
In this class we will work on essential basic tango movements, and how we can modify them to create that special shared ‘Tango’ within each couple. The main focus of this class will be ‘the embrace’.
1.45 – 2.30pm Class on the Connection/ Embrace and possible figures where it will be challenged/ invited to change the embrace.
This class will include figures with the embrace and challenges for the connection. Figures and tango principles where you can take the opportunity to change the embrace and see how it impacts the connection. We will show a delightful and amazing range of possibilities. We might compare dancing tango with drinking wine. How do you drink a glass of good wine? Do you just knock it back, or do you discover the many ways to appreciate it? Similar to the cross are you up for exploring the varied ways of appreciating and dancing the cross with your partner?
2.30- 5pm Practica/ Milonga with DJ Andy Warner
The classes will be suitable for a wide range of abilities including beginners and experienced dancers. Please come on time to take full advantage of this opportunity. Doors open at 12.45pm
- Saturday 18th February 2023
- St John’s Community Centre, 37-43 Glengall Grove, London E14 3NE, UK
- Doors open 12:45pm
- Class 1:00-2:30pm
- Milonga 2:30-5:00pm with DJ
- £7 whole event, £5 milonga only
Getting here
Take the Dockland’s Light Rail (DLR) to Crossharbour station. At the foot of the station stairs, cross Eastferry Road at the pedestrian crossing, then keep going straight ahead as you are on Glengall Grove. The hall is 150 metres down on the right.
Buses 277, 135, D6 and D8 will take you to the ASDA store at Crosshabour. Walk along the path on the right of the Health Centre car park, this takes you directly to Glengall Grove and St John’s Community Hall.