This Saturday 16th March 2024 we will work on ‘Parallel and Cross systems’, and how being able to change from one system to the other. This ability will give you as a couple so many more possibilities.
The simple explanation of walking ‘In Parallel’ is that when the couple are walking together, with the leader going forwards with his left foot, the follower steps back with her right foot. Or, leader forward right, and follower back with the left.
In the ‘Cross’ system the leader has changed foot, so that as he steps forward on his right foot he is leading his partner to step back on her right foot. Obviously to do this the couple, and especially the leader, have to have a very good appreciation of precisely where each partner is, where their weight is, and how each partner is moving.
We will answer and practice the solutions to the following questions:
- How do we lead and follow in this scenario?
- How do we ‘change leg’ without transmitting that feeling to our partner?
This class will provide challenges for both experienced dancers as well as beginners. We also encourage dancers to try both leading and following.
Try to feel and understand how slight changes to a lead or a response can produce many different movements or outcomes.
This class is aimed at being suitable for all levels. We will all benefit from a mix of abilities working and exploring together. Sometimes our classes are a little bit ambitious, but it doesn’t hurt to ‘stretch’ yourself a little bit.
Private tuition available
There are slots of an hour before or after this Saturday event for private tuition suitable for couples. If you are interested in booking a private class please ring Tony Lane on 02075383852.
- Saturday 16 March 2024
- St John’s Community Centre, 37-43 Glengall Grove, London E14 3NE, UK
- Doors open 12:45pm
- Class 1:00-2:30pm
- Milonga 2:30-5:00pm with DJ Andy Warner
- £7 whole event, £5 milonga only
Getting here
Take the Dockland’s Light Rail (DLR) to Crossharbour station. At the foot of the station stairs, cross Eastferry Road at the pedestrian crossing, then keep going straight ahead as you are on Glengall Grove. The hall is 150 metres down on the right.
Buses 277, 135, D6 and D8 will take you to the ASDA store at Crosshabour. Walk along the path on the right of the Health Centre car park, this takes you directly to Glengall Grove and St John’s Community Hall.