We are welcoming Los Ocampo as our guest teachers at our regular Saturday afternoon class and milonga in St John’s Community Centre on May 28th and 11th June 2022.
Los Ocampo are Mónica Romero and Omar Ocampo, a partnership of over 35 years made up of performing, teaching and sharing Argentine Tango and Folklore around the world. They have a rich dance background and began performing at an early age, meeting when they were dancers in the Carlos Copes tango company in Buenos Aires and later becoming a stage couple and marrying in 1984.
Los Ocampo divide their time between teaching at their schools around the world, touring widely and performing at prestigious international venues. They are also official adjudicators at the annual International Tango Championships in Argentina and other international competitions. They are often engaged as cultural and artistic ambassadors for Argentine music and dance. Los Ocampo are masters not only of Argentine Tango, but also of Argentina’s folkloric dances, such as Chacarera, Zamba and Malambo.
Class on Milonga and Chacarera
The class will be looking at the milonga which will be suitable for everyone and also offers challenges for more experienced dancers. As Los Ocampo are world renown teachers they will be able to demystify and make milonga dance accessible and fun. If you are one of those people that sits down at a milonga when milonga music plays, or you don’t know how to distinguish it is a milonga song in the first place. Please do come as Los Ocampo are THE teachers to make milonga danceable and fun!
The milonga class will be followed by a 20min class on the chacarera, a simple and fun folkloric dance danced in some milongas as a break in between tandas.
Monica and Omar dancing the milonga
The chacarera danced at a public milonga in Borough Market, London 2017
Private tuition available
There are slots of an hour before or after this Saturday event for private tuition suitable for couples. If you are interested in booking a private class please ring Tony Lane on 07821 627 175.