We are welcoming Pablo Nievas and Florencia Fraschina as guest teachers at our regular Saturday afternoon class and milonga in St John’s Community Centre on May 7th.
We are very pleased to welcome Pablo Nievas back to Tango E14 with his new partner, Florencia Fraschina. Pablo is one of the very best Tango teachers for his knowledge, experience and precise technique. He has taught at many milongas in the UK and around the world. So take advantage of him while he is here.
Pablo Nievas and Florencia Fraschina – international tango dancers and teachers. See their website at www.pablonievas.com
Class on Tango Vals
We have asked for material on Vals that is interesting and helpful for everyone and opens challenges to the more experienced dancers. We know Pablo always gives us good stuff.
Private tuition available
There are slots of an hour before or after this Saturday event for private tuition suitable for couples. If you are interested in booking a private class please ring Tony Lane on 07821 627 175.
- Saturday May 7th
- St John’s Community Centre, 37-43 Glengall Grove, London E14 3NE, UK
- Doors open 12:45pm
- Class 1:00-3:00pm (with break)
- Milonga 3:00-5:00pm with DJ Pablo
- £15 whole event, £5 milonga only