Saturday 23 November Davide Baldanza and Cintia Morea are back at Tango E14 due to big success on last Saturday’s lesson 19th of October. We soon found out we loved to learn more from these tango maestros on hooks or ganchos! Don’t miss this special and rare opportunity!
Davide is from Italy and Cintia is from Mendoza, Argentina originally however they are now established in the midlands with their The Midlands Tango Academy. If you aren’t familiar with them please look at their video below or visit their Facebook page here.
Also please have a look at this lovely video to see how beautiful they dance with outstanding technique!
Class on melodic and rhythmical ganchos part 2
This class is a follow up on the lesson of 19th of October. However a standalone class it is recommended to those dancers that already have done a gancho before so you will get more out of the class. However this class also will be all about ganchos. Starting with basic technique exercises however quickly building up to the difference between melodic and rhythmical use of ganchos in the music. There are several ways to dance ganchos and Davide and Cintia will inspire us and show us how to do it rhythmically or melodic so with different timings in time with the music and expressing the mood of the music.

Private tuition available
There are slots of an hour before or after this Saturday event for private tuition suitable for couples. If you are interested in booking a private class please ring Tony Lane on 02075383852.
- Saturday 23 November 2024
- St John’s Community Centre, 37-43 Glengall Grove, London E14 3NE, UK
- Doors open 12:45pm
- Class 1:00-2:30pm
- Milonga 2:30-5:00pm with DJ Andy Warner
- £15 whole event, £5 milonga only
Getting here
Take the Dockland’s Light Rail (DLR) to Crossharbour station. At the foot of the station stairs, cross Eastferry Road at the pedestrian crossing, then keep going straight ahead as you are on Glengall Grove. The hall is 150 metres down on the right.
Buses 277, 135, D6 and D8 will take you to the ASDA store at Crosshabour. Walk along the path on the right of the Health Centre car park, this takes you directly to Glengall Grove and St John’s Community Hall.