This Saturday 2nd March 2024 Tony and Anita’s class is on possibilities and variations. We will help you to understand how slight changes to a lead or a response can produce many different movements or outcomes. We will demonstrate this with different nuances on sacadas. As a precise lead is important in sacadas.
We need to realise, feel and understand precisely where we, individually, as whole persons, from our cores to our extremities, where we are at any moment. And to feel where our partner is. Then we have a new creature – ‘a dance couple’. Now we can start to move together, and we can discover that there are even more dynamic forces. So we develop our sensitivity to know, especially as leader, not only where our partner is, including legs, arms and axis, but in which direction they are moving as well.
This week’s class works on doing things clearly and unambiguously to produce our physical dialogue we call Argentine tango. We not only have to be able to change speed, but change direction, and change the size of each movement in a way that feels good for both partners.
This class is aimed at being suitable for all levels. We will all benefit from a mix of abilities working and exploring together. It is an ambitious class covering a lifetime of dancing, absorbing and living Argentine tango. Now all you have to do is dance regularly, at least weekly; paying attention to everything, the music, your partners, the other dancers, teachers, the culture of Tango, and keep an open mind. Gradually, over the years, you will become physically, mentally, and emotionally part of it, and it part of you.
Class on sacadas
We will start with exercises to realise, feel and understand where you, all of you, from your core to your extremities is at any moment. Then in pairs, feel where your partner is. We now have a new creature – a dance couple. Now we start to move together, and we start to learn to recognise what our partner is doing, and precisely where our partner is, especially in relation to each other. We learn to ‘lead’ and to ‘follow’. We will demonstrate the precise lead first with the basics as in salidas and ochos building up towards sacadas, whilst keeping our axes as individuals and as a couple.
- Saturday 2nd March
- St John’s Community Centre, 37-43 Glengall Grove, London E14 3NE, UK
- Doors open 12:45pm
- Class 1:00-2:30pm
- Milonga 2:30-5:00pm with DJ Andy Warner
- £7 whole event, £5 milonga only
Getting here
Take the Dockland’s Light Rail (DLR) to Crossharbour station. At the foot of the station stairs, cross Eastferry Road at the pedestrian crossing, then keep going straight ahead as you are on Glengall Grove. The hall is 150 metres down on the right.
Buses 277, 135, D6 and D8 will take you to the ASDA store at Crosshabour. Walk along the path on the right of the Health Centre car park, this takes you directly to Glengall Grove and St John’s Community Hall.