This Saturday 22nd June class with Tony and Anita on Media Luna and Ocho Cortado, these are basic movement combinations that are suitable for beginners and handy for more advanced dancers to refine and sharpen up on in technique.
This Saturday we continue the theme of pivoting and giros (turning) that we started last week. The beginning of the class will be dedicated again to revisiting solid tango foundations such as walking and pivoting technique and disassociation. Then with a partner we revise how to lead ochos and follow them. As well how to dance Media Lunas or half moons or half giros. Finishing off the combination with an echo cortado. If there is still desire to learn more we will show you variations on ocho cortados. Finishing off with learning how to apply the media luna and ocho cortado by changing the order, change the side of the body and timing. It is always important to learn how to improvise and make new combinations and movements your own.
Private tuition available
There are slots of an hour before or after this Saturday event for private tuition suitable for couples. If you are interested in booking a private class please ring Tony Lane on 02075383852.
- Saturday 22 June 2024
- St John’s Community Centre, 37-43 Glengall Grove, London E14 3NE, UK
- Doors open 12:45pm
- Class 1:00-2:30pm
- Milonga 2:30-5:00pm with DJ Andy Warner
- £7 whole event, £5 milonga only
Getting here
Take the Dockland’s Light Rail (DLR) to Crossharbour station. At the foot of the station stairs, cross Eastferry Road at the pedestrian crossing, then keep going straight ahead as you are on Glengall Grove. The hall is 150 metres down on the right.
Buses 277, 135, D6 and D8 will take you to the ASDA store at Crosshabour. Walk along the path on the right of the Health Centre car park, this takes you directly to Glengall Grove and St John’s Community Hall.