Proudly presenting all the way from Argentina: Pablo Nievas and Florencia Fraschina at Tango E14’s usual venue St Johns Community Centre, 37-43 Glengall Grove, London E14 3NE (see for map and directions below) on Saturday April 27th. We are very pleased to welcome Pablo Nievas back to Tango E14 with his partner, Florencia Fraschina. Pablo […]
read articleMilonga
Saturday 13th April guest teachers: Haris Mihail and Natasha Lewinger
Saturday 13th April Tango E14 are welcoming Uruguayan Tango Dancers Natasha Lewinger and Haris Mihail as our guest teachers at our class and milonga. Natasha and Haris are internationally recognised teachers and dancers known for their connection, elegance, musicality, dynamics, and quality. They both love social dancing, especially the milonguero style. In their own words: […]
read articleSaturday 6th April NEW guest teachers: Luciano Millaqueo & Maria Celeste Cimino
Saturday 6th April 2024 Tango E14 proudly presents two new guest teachers: Luciano Millaqueo and Maria Celeste Cimino. Their dance style is a no fuss, intimate, tender and authentic approach to tango, that is not to be missed! Luciano and Maria Celeste are world acclaimed dancers and teachers. This is how they describe themselves: Celeste […]
read articleSaturday 30th March 24 class on different rhythms danced together
This Saturday 30th March 2024 we will have a class on different rhythms danced by the follower and leader but somehow together. Here is a challenge ! How can we dance together doing different interpretations of the music? How can a couple dance together doing different things, but keeping synchronised with each other? We are getting to the essence […]
read articleSaturday 23rd March class on cross vs. parallel systems part 2
This Saturday 23rd March 2024 we continue our second week on ‘Parallel and Cross systems’. This is a fundamental skill and understanding in Argentine Tango, and gives rise to an amazing range of possibilities. We know the simple concept of walking ‘In Parallel’, where the couple are walking together. The leader going forwards with say his left foot, the […]
read articleSaturday 16 March 2024 class on parallel and cross systems
This Saturday 16th March 2024 we will work on ‘Parallel and Cross systems’, and how being able to change from one system to the other. This ability will give you as a couple so many more possibilities. The simple explanation of walking ‘In Parallel’ is that when the couple are walking together, with the leader […]
read articleSaturday 8th March class on sacadas and volcadas
This Saturday 9th March 2024 our class continues with the theme of: sacadas, and this week we will be adding volcadas. With good connection, good proprioception, and full awareness of our partner, we can easily see how slight changes result in very different outcomes. This week we will start with a range of exercises to […]
read articleSaturday 2nd March class on possibilities and variations with sacadas
This Saturday 2nd March 2024 Tony and Anita’s class is on possibilities and variations. We will help you to understand how slight changes to a lead or a response can produce many different movements or outcomes. We will demonstrate this with different nuances on sacadas. As a precise lead is important in sacadas. We need […]
read articleSaturday 24th February class on sacadas and ochos
This Saturday 24th February 2024 Tony and Anita will help you to take your time. Do things slowly in a controlled way, and definitely together. Starting with exercises we will build up from walking in time, ‘sacadas’ and ‘ochos’, to ‘paradas’ and ‘barridas’. But most importantly, really doing everything together, so that we savour and […]
read articleSaturday 3rd February class on going in and out of axis
This Saturday 3rd February 2024 Tony and Anita will work on the importance of ‘Axis’ (plural Axes) and balance. Finding, understanding and controlling our own axis, and the axis of our partner is very important in partner dancing, and especially in Argentine tango. We will work on exercises to help us to find our axes, to understand them, and […]
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