Tango music is beautiful however complex and for beginners could be overwhelming to dance to. To appreciate and understand tango music a lot of listening to Argentine tango will help you. See below for recommended listening of Tango singers, and Tango songs and questions that will direct you in how to listen also called active listening.
Invite yourself to think about the importance of the singer and the song in a tango.
- Do you prefer tangos with or without a singer?
- Do you understand Spanish when sung?
- Do you understand English or any language when sung?
Often it is quite difficult to understand sung words exactly.
In tango, and other genres, words and sounds of songs are often played with extension or stretching, or cutting, or abbreviating or bending the words. This is done for musical effect; to either add or alter the musical dimension.
The sound of the voice is often modified to create a different ‘line’ of music. By comparison different instruments could play different notes, rhythms or melodies. So the voice can become a new ‘instrument’ of the tango orchestra.
The sound of our voices and our hearing of it is also extremely important in transmitting and receiving our feelings and emotions. A written word is usually seen in a ‘flat’ or regular way, but a spoken word or sentence, especially in a song, can resonate with a fantastic range of extra meanings which can reinforce, or accentuate, or even contradict the actual words said.
Take time to listen to a variety of recordings by different Tango singers and orchestras, recorded in different eras. Often the lyrics and translations can help however in early tangos the music can be upbeat whilst the message in the lyrics can be rather sad, so the opposite!
Listen to your own favourite orchestras with singers, and try and find out who the singers are.
There are plenty out there, but to get you started here are a few names:
- Orq. Carlos Di Sarli, singers included Jorge Duran, Horacio Casares, Roberto Florio, Mario Pomar, Oscar Serpa, and Alberto Podesta.
- Orq. Osvaldo Pugliese, singers included Abel Cordoba, Adrian Guida, Maria Graña, Nelly Vasquez, Jorge Maciel, Alberto Moran.
- Orq. Juan D’Arienzo, singers included Mercedes Serrano, Osvaldo Ramos, Jorge Ramos, Libertad Lamarque, Alberto Echague.
– Other singers you should find easily include Alberto Castillo, Nelly Omar, Ada Falcon, Libertad Lamarque, and one of the earliest: Gabino Ezeiza.
There is a list of Tango singers on Wikipedia, or look on ‘todotango.com‘ if you want more.
Listen to a wide sample, then when you see fellow dancers next time, share your thoughts and exchange opinions.